Why Walter White is the perfect example of today's frustrated teachers.

We have a trail of regrets that led us to this career.



We yearn to inspire…

…and pass on our passion…



…to kids who couldn’t care less.

We’re just a little bit odd…


…and half the time, we’re just acting tough.

We work for parents and students who demean us, not just as professionals, but as humans.

Our bosses used to be one of us, but forgot what that was like.


We are micromanaged to no end.


And then, we snap.

Because all we wanted was some control…

…and to tell people to back the fuck off so we can do our fucking job…

…because we really do did want to help…

…until you fucked us over.

Thank you, public education, for turning us into grizzled beasts unworthy of the dreams we had when we entered this profession.


PS – In case some fool misreads this as the manifesto of an up-and-coming murderous drug lord: it’s not. I have neither the chemistry skills nor the 1970’s RV to make anything illegal, and it makes me sick to even think of people hurting other people. I just need to vent so I can make it through this school year. 

7 thoughts on “Why Walter White is the perfect example of today's frustrated teachers.

  1. jesuswasaprimate

    This is awesome.

    As the parent of a fourth grader who attends a school, where all the parents think their kid is extra intelligent and special. I have witnessed many parents WAY over stepping their role in their child’s education. This has led me to know for a fact, I could NEVER be a teacher, not because of the kids… But the PARENTS!!
    I realize a glass of wine a couple times a week would no longer work to calm me before bed…. Meth would be the only option.
    Since I like having nice teeth, I could never have your thankless job!!

    Thanks for this post & thanks for teaching.


  2. Pingback: One Fifty | This morning’s playlist and why every song was PERFECT for the last day of school.

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